IT Sligo Releases Statement Regarding Student Concerns on In-Campus Exams

IT Sligo Releases Statement Regarding Student Concerns on In-Campus Exams
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IT Sligo released a statement on Jan. 2, heeding the concerns of the Students’ Union about holding examinations on campus over the coming weeks for full-time students.

The institution stated that it has followed all public health rules and that its exams office has worked diligently to guarantee that examinations would ensure safety for all students.

Key Takeaways:

  • IT Sligo issued a statement in response to the Students’ Union’s worries about having full-time students’ examinations on campus in the coming weeks.
  • The university declared that it complies with all public health regulations at all times and that its exams office works carefully to ensure that exams could be administered safely.

IT Sligo has students studying on campus and a considerable number of students are also studying online. The test timetable must accommodate both of these requirements, which are rather different.

Because of the legitimate concerns of certain full-time students and the growing likelihood that some students would be unable to take an on-campus examination because of COVID-related reasons, exam schedule changes will now occur.

  1. All students enrolled in full-time on-campus programs (excluding BA and BB in Accounting – see below) who were scheduled to take an exam in a Hall, Lab, or classroom in the coming weeks will no longer be able to do so. IT Sligo will work with lecturers to reschedule the exam and will contact students via their student email accounts with additional information during the week of Jan. 10.
  2. For students pursuing a BA in Accounting or a BB in Accounting, online proctoring will be used for any tests required for professional exemptions. The exam will be videotaped using a webcam and screen tracking, and students will be supervised by a remote proctor/invigilator while taking it. To organize this, the examinations office will contact students individually via student email accounts.
  3. Wherever possible, all students enrolled in online programs scheduled to sit an exam in Sligo will be transferred to online proctoring (Invigilation) on the same date and time. In this situation, students will not need to travel to the institution and will instead take the exam on a computer at home or their workplace. 
  4. Any remote assessments or examinations that have already been planned to be managed by their lecturer will be completed in accordance with the test schedule. This is listed as lecturer moderated on the exam timetable
  5. All scheduled online proctored examinations will occur this week and next week, as scheduled.

IT Sligo will send information as soon as possible to provide students with certainty around rescheduling of examinations.

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